Thanks For Stopping By!!
Please leave us a link so we can come and visit all our Tuxie Furiends!!
PS: If anyone would like to be a Tuxedo Gang Reporter, please let me know!!
Thanks, Samantha
Please let us know, in the comment section below, if you have requested to be a Tuxedo Gang Member and have not been added!The Tuxedo gang has lost a Wonderful Member!! Bebe from Pumpkin's World! Please go by and send some purrrrs and hugs to the Family!!
PS: If anyone would like to be a Tuxedo Gang Reporter, please let me know!!
Thanks, Samantha
If you are a Tuxedo Gang Member and don't have a badge for your blog, please go here.
Please click on these sites below to help the animals in need!

DECEMBER Tuxie Birthday/Gotcha Days

DECEMBER Tuxie Birthday/Gotcha Days
Cliff GD 8th, 2003
Boy GD 31st, 1993
DaisyMae Maus GD 31st, 1993
Boy GD 31st, 1993
DaisyMae Maus GD 31st, 1993
Hi TGH Members, please check the Birthday/Gotcha Day List! ! If your BD/GD is missing or incorrect, please leave it in the comment section and we will add it.
If you have a Tuxie post for today, please leave a link, so we can all VISIT YOU!
If you have any special news, contests or information you think would be pertinent to the group, please email us a tuxedogang (at) g mail (dot) com . Thanks!
Thanks for sharing.
Wish You all Tuxedo Friends A Happy New Year 2011!
Lots of Love from Wikki & Nova, snowy Sweden
Looking forward to meeting some new Tuxedo friends. I do cameo cartoons too so anybody that wants to be in one just let me know. Instructions at Wyatt's corner on the site.
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