Thanks For Stopping By!!
Please leave us a link so we can come and visit all our Tuxie Furiends!!
Please go by and wish him a Happy ONE!!!
Herman from Herman's Hideaway is the
Winner of the Tuxedo Cat Category
at Hansel's Halloween Spooktacular Contest!!
Congratulations Herman!!
Love, Samantha & The Tuxie Gang!!
Please let us know, in the comment section below, if you have requested to be a Tuxedo Gang Member and have not been added!TODAY IS HERMAN'S GOTCHA DAY!
Please go by and wish him a Happy ONE!!!
Winner of the Tuxedo Cat Category
at Hansel's Halloween Spooktacular Contest!!
Congratulations Herman!!

If you are a Tuxedo Gang Member and don't have a badge for your blog, please go HERE.
Please click on these sites below to help the animals in need!

NOVEMBER Tuxedo Gang Hideout Member BD/Gotcha Day's
Mungo & Teaser GD 11th,
Beau BD/GD 5th, 1999
Boy BD 15th, 1993
Herman GD, 16th, 2009
Frodo BD 20th, 2001
Bootsie Woo GD 20(?), 2007
Dragonheart, GD 25th, 2006
Zoey of Z&FB, GD 30th,

NOVEMBER Tuxedo Gang Hideout Member BD/Gotcha Day's
Mungo & Teaser GD 11th,
Beau BD/GD 5th, 1999
Boy BD 15th, 1993
Herman GD, 16th, 2009
Frodo BD 20th, 2001
Bootsie Woo GD 20(?), 2007
Dragonheart, GD 25th, 2006
Zoey of Z&FB, GD 30th,
Hi TGH Members, please check the Birthday/Gotcha Day List! ! If your BD/GD is missing or incorrect, please leave it in the comment section and we will add it.
If you have a Tuxie post for today, please leave a link, so we can all VISIT YOU!
If you have any special news, contests or information you think would be pertinent to the group, please email us a tuxedogang (at) g mail (dot) com . Thanks!
HEY guys, the cat that won the tuxedo category is Herman--- over at Herman's Hideaway :) Please contact him to go over prize info!!! thanks!!! we couldn't find your email addy!!
Two things: My Gotcha Day is November 16th and Hansel told me that I won the tuxedo category in the Halloween contest. You can reach me at nyctolopsATvlaDOTcom.
Oh no! Herman has the same Halloween collar that my human tortured ME with!
We'll head right over to wish Herman Happy Birthday :-)
Oops, I mean happy GOTCHA day :-)
Gappy Dotcha Hay! ;-D
We would like to be a member of this very important group , the Tuxedo Gang. We have several kitties that want to be members. One is Mister who is Gray and White. Another is Girl Kitty who is Black and white. We also wanted to wish Herman a Happy Gotcha day and congrats on winning the contest.
Take care and have a great day.
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