Thanks For Stopping By!!
Please leave us a link so we can come and visit all our Tuxie Furiends!!
Here is the Prize Package for The Tuxedo Cat Winner
of the Monty Q!!
Love, Samantha & The Tuxie Gang!!
Please let us know, in the comment section below, if you have requested to be a Tuxedo Gang Member and have not been added!
of the Monty Q!!
Love, Samantha & The Tuxie Gang!!
If you are a Tuxedo Gang Member and don't have a badge for your blog, please go here.
Domino BD 1, 2001
Sabi GD 14,
Munchkin BD 15th
Josie BD 15, 2004
Speedy BD 21st, 2005
Pierro BD 23, 2007
Lemieux BD 24th
Kirzon BD 25, 1996
Sabi GD 14,
Munchkin BD 15th
Josie BD 15, 2004
Speedy BD 21st, 2005
Pierro BD 23, 2007
Lemieux BD 24th
Kirzon BD 25, 1996
Zoey of Zoey & The Furballs BD 25th, 1993
Hi TGH Members, please check the Birthday/Gotcha Day List! ! If your BD/GD is missing or incorrect, please leave it in the comment section and we will add it.
If you have a Tuxie post for today, please leave a link, so we can all VISIT YOU!
If you have any special news, contests or information you think would be pertinent to the group, please email us a tuxedogang (at) g mail (dot) com . Thanks!
Hello guys, we just got your comment on the halloween blog, we wanted to know if you had any rules for your category for the tuxedo cat category? Can there be photo shop? No photo shop? It's up to you, just let me know!
I'm Mr. Puddy and of course, I'm a tuxedo cat. I would like to join your club : )
Oh I for got, My Birthday is on September 3, 2008
and my Gotcha day is on September 20, 2010
Mr Puddy
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