Sunday, March 22, 2009

Welcome To The TGH's 2nd Blogoversary

We want to Welcome One and All To our 2nd Blogoversary. Please join us and have some fun!!

We've got food!





and of course:



Help yourself with some foods and have a drink or two:




AND A Contest!! Guess who is in the TGH Headers below and win a prize! There are 20 of them. Whoever guesses them all or the most wins!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007 (This was our First Post! The Club was started by Beau & Oreo!)

WELCOME to the **NEW** Tuxedo Gang Hideout!!
we am puttin an offur on the table. :) If any cat wanna help wiff this juss email us or leef a comment & we will add you to it so you can. If you wanna be in the gang but you don wanna help that am fine too. Again juss email us or leef a comment & we will get back wiff you bout joinin. Most impawtant, if anycat haff an ideer on a dee sign or can help wiff makin a gang logo PUHLEESE let us no as this am not reelly Momma's best area. :) That am all.-Beau and Oreo

All of us at The Tuxedo Gang Hideout want to thank all Our Members and all Our Visitors for coming by and visiting us!!!

For your enjoyment----
The CatBoy Brothers Band!

And some Fireworks!!!
Rocky has brought the Carnival of the Cats for our Viewing pleasure!
And here are the Carnival rides for one and all!!
We hope you all are having fun!!
Thanks for Celebrating Our 2nd Blogoversary!
Please leave your link or a comment below!!


Tuxedo Gang said...

Thank you all for Coming to our 2nd Blogoversaty and Celebrating with us!! There is plenty of food, lots of staff to help you and music! Have lots of fun!!
All of us st the Tuxedo Gang

Karen Jo said...

Happy Blogoversary! I'll have some roast beef and mother's milk. I only positively recognized two of the kitties, so I think I'll pass on the contest. I miss Oreo so much.

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Concatulations to the 2nd Blogoversary!
we loves you all Tuxie kitties!

mmmmh now we gotta go check out the buffet... do I see CHICK-HEN over there....?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 2nd blogoversary!!!

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Congratulations on the 2nd Blogversary Tux kitties. Thank you for inviting us to your party.

Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled to share the blogerversary! Congratulations and thank you for all your hard work. Alfie is here wiv me too (he's grey but I hope that's OK).
Let's get this party started!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy second blogoversary to all our Tuxie furrends.
Now let's tuck into the food and niptinis.
PARTY Yayyy!!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you for inviting us.

We didn't recognize any of the kitties in the contest, so we are going to pass too.

This food is delicious. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh, we are so forgetful. Congratulations on the blogoversary #2!!!!!!!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Congratulations and Happy 2nd Blogoversary!! Our Bandit was a member, so we come to honor his time with us and this special place you had for him.
The food is yummy! Thank you!
~ Miss Emily

The Island Cats said...

Happy Blogoversary, TGH!!!! You tuxies know how to throw a party!!! Thanks for inviting us! We're having a blast!!!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Zeus said...

Happy Blogoversary! It's really nice to see a plan come together like this. I'm just so excited to see shrimp before me...mwah, mwah, mwah...burrrrrrrrp!

Daisy said...

Happy 2nd blogoversary!

Cat Street Boyz said...

We wanted to stop by to wish all of you a Happy 2ond Blogoversary! YEAH!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful party! Happy Blogoversary to all of my fellow Tuxedo Gang Hideout members! ~Crikey

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy 2nd Blogoversary TGH!!! I love all the time I spend here!! (Sam) Come on Mr. Tigger and maverick!! let's dig into the food!!
Your FL furiends,

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Blogoversary to you all. Looks like you're going to have a great party.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We haf been neglecting our gang! We blame it on mom, she's been neglecting us and our bogging frends. Two years! Wooohooo!

mog said...

Happy Blogoversary. You really know how to party, all that food is delectable. The shrimp and roast beef look particularly mouth watering.

Meowza heads for the shrimp platter.

Cece heads for the Temptations, what else!

Miz Mog, Meowza and Cece

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...


Skeezix the Cat said...

Hey evrybuddy, concats on yer blogaversary! I'll take a pint o' Mother's Milk, pleeze. And, uh, one fur my frend Rocky.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Hey evrybuddy, concats on yer blogaversary! I'll take a pint o' Mother's Milk, pleeze. And, uh, one fur my frend Rocky.

Country Cats said...

Wow what a celebration. We will get some noms now; the fireworks scared us a little bit! Concats on 2 years of blogging!

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Woo hoo! ConCATulations!
Mmmm hams and chick-hens and ... oh wow, whta a grate party!

The Furry Kids said...

Happy Blogoversary, TGH!!!


PB 'n J said...

Concatulations and happy Blogoversary!!!!!!! What an amazing spread! Bert never lets us come over and hang out - so its cool to be invited over! We recognize a few of the kitties in the headers, but since Bert is a repurrter, we think it would be unfair for us to enter :-)

Maybe instead we'll just hit the buffet and listen to the band!

Pearl and Jake - and Bert too of course!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy 2nd Bloviversary to all the Tuxedo Gang! Great spread, too! I especially loved the Shrimps and Meowgaritas...


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

This is great!!!!! Yahoo!! I haven't had this much fun in awhile!!!

Congrats on the blogaversery!!!!!

Purrs Shade

Anonymous said...

豆豆聊天室aio交友愛情館2008真情寫真2008真情寫真aa片免費看捷克論壇微風論壇plus論壇080視訊聊天室情色視訊交友90739做愛成人圖片區豆豆色情聊天室080豆豆聊天室 小辣妹影音交友網台中情人聊天室桃園星願聊天室高雄網友聊天室新中台灣聊天室中部網友聊天室嘉義之光聊天室基隆海岸聊天室中壢網友聊天室南台灣聊天室南部聊坊聊天室台南不夜城聊天室南部網友聊天室屏東網友聊天室台南網友聊天室屏東聊坊聊天室網路學院聊天室屏東夜語聊天室一網情深聊天室心靈饗宴聊天室流星花園聊天室真愛宣言交友聊天室上班族f1影音視訊聊天室哈雷視訊聊天室080影音視訊聊天室援交聊天室080080哈啦聊天室台北已婚聊天室已婚廣場聊天室 夢幻家族聊天室摸摸扣扣同學會聊天室520情色聊天室QQ成人交友聊天室免費視訊網愛聊天室愛情公寓免費聊天室拉子性愛聊天室柔情網友聊天室哈啦影音交友網哈啦影音視訊聊天室櫻井莉亞三點全露寫真集123上班族聊天室尋夢園上班族聊天室成人聊天室上班族080上班族聊天室6k聊天室粉紅豆豆聊天室080豆豆聊天網新豆豆聊天室080聊天室免費音樂試聽流行音樂試聽免費aa片試看美女交友聊天室色色網聊天室交友情人視訊網0401成人交友080哈拉聊天室成人交友聊天室嘟嘟成年人網洪爺成人影片嘟嘟成人網免費視訊免費視訊聊天A片免費a長片線上看色情貼影片免費a長片本土成人貼圖站大台灣情色網台灣男人幫論壇A圖網嘟嘟成人電影網火辣春夢貼圖網情色貼圖俱樂部台灣成人電影絲襪美腿樂園 18美女貼圖區柔情聊天網707網愛聊天室聯盟台北69色情貼圖區38女孩情色網台灣映像館波波成人情色網站美女成人貼圖區無碼貼圖力量色妹妹性愛貼圖區日本女優貼圖網日本美少女貼圖區亞洲風暴情色貼圖網哈啦聊天室美少女自拍貼圖辣妹成人情色網台北女孩情色網辣手貼圖情色網AV無碼女優影片男女情色寫真貼圖a片天使俱樂部萍水相逢遊戲區平水相逢遊戲區免費視訊交友90739免費視訊聊天辣妹視訊 - 影音聊天網 080視訊聊天室日本美女肛交美女工廠貼圖區百分百貼圖區亞洲成人電影情色網台灣本土自拍貼圖網麻辣貼圖情色網好色客成人圖片貼圖區711成人AV貼圖區台灣美女貼圖區筱萱成人論壇咪咪情色貼圖區momokoko同學會視訊kk272視訊情色文學小站成人情色貼圖區嘟嘟成人網嘟嘟情人色網 - 貼圖區免費色情a片下載台灣情色論壇成人影片分享免費視訊聊天區微風 成人 論壇kiss文學區taiwankiss文學區