It's Tuxie Tuesday at the TGH
Thanks for stopping by!!
Tuxies making a difference and Helping Friends:Due to Blogger problems yesterday, we are publishing most of the information from yesterday again, so anyone who missed yesterday's NEWS can see it today!
Dragonheart's Mom is making super cool Digital Scrapbook pages

As soon as we find out the winners of Kimo & Sabi's Jump and Shout Contest we will post them! And the Winners are: Jump- Mr. Tigger from Life From A Cat's Perspective and Herbie from Purs & Snorts. And they Raised $87.00 for Charity!

Please go by and wish Chance a Happy 1st Birthday!!!

Sunday was Scooby & Shaggy's 8th Birthday!
Please let us know, in the comment section below, if you have requested to be a Tuxedo Gang Member and have not been added!
Here is the Seven Useful Thing Meme that Bear & Shadow tagged the TGH for.
Seven Useful Things the Tuxedo Gang Hideout Does for it's Members.....
1. Reports Tuxedo Gang Members Daily Posts. (Mon-Fri)
2. List TGH Members Birthday/Gotcha Days and Posts a BD/GD Picture of them on their Special Day.
3. The TGH is a cool place to hang out with all our furiends.
4. Keeps in Touch with the Cat Blogosphere and let's you know the latest Scoop!
5. Is working on New and Exciting Features to Add. If you have any IDEAS, please let us know!
6. Has a wonderful Cat Staff always ready to help.
7. Has the BEST Members in the Blogosphere who are always ready to help Cats in Need and are the most fun to be around!
If you are a Tuxedo Gang Member and don't have a badge for your blog, please go here.
Please click on these sites below to help the animals in need!

Get your Daily dose of MOWS Cat Comic HERE!!!
Okay kitties, that brings us to the next part of Samwise's thank you. We were wondering if any other NOMSS friends would like to join the Tuxedo Gang?! They have to be really special tuxies and like Samwise, we will put it to the vote of the entire Gang! Please leave a comment with your nominations and make sure to link to the NOMSS friend's blog or webpage or dogster, etc. THANKS!
(NOMSS means Not Of MY Species Special Friend)
Tuxie TUESDAY Posts: (reporter Bert)
Abby is showing some love!
Adan is still trying to see Lego!
Bert is having a trash the house party!
Captain Jack has a sneak attack!
Cece is looking pretty flexible!
Chance is recovering from his party!
Delilah is strolling the garden!
Dragonheart is showing off his belly button!
Watch out it's Hurricane Zoey!
Max is taking a poll - go vote!
Millie is showing off her tuxie toes!
Miss Peach is not amused!
Sox is showing off some tuxie tummy!
Sabi is ready for the Peace blogblast!
Samantha is thinking of her handsome ManCat!
Gree has an update!
Shade is hanging out with a little bean!
Sophia has NIP!
Max is a bit embarrassed!
Zoey & the Furballs are home alone with Daddy!
June Tuxies Birthday/Gotcha Day
Chance BD 1st, 2007
Scooby & Shaggy BD 1st, 2000
Edsel BD 10th
Rosie GD 13th, 2007
LC BD 14th, 1993
Oreo BD 15th, 1998
Max, The Psycho Kitty BD 20th
(NOMSS means Not Of MY Species Special Friend)
Tuxie TUESDAY Posts: (reporter Bert)
Abby is showing some love!
Adan is still trying to see Lego!
Bert is having a trash the house party!
Captain Jack has a sneak attack!
Cece is looking pretty flexible!
Chance is recovering from his party!
Delilah is strolling the garden!
Dragonheart is showing off his belly button!
Watch out it's Hurricane Zoey!
Max is taking a poll - go vote!
Millie is showing off her tuxie toes!
Miss Peach is not amused!
Sox is showing off some tuxie tummy!
Sabi is ready for the Peace blogblast!
Samantha is thinking of her handsome ManCat!
Gree has an update!
Shade is hanging out with a little bean!
Sophia has NIP!
Max is a bit embarrassed!
Zoey & the Furballs are home alone with Daddy!
June Tuxies Birthday/Gotcha Day
Chance BD 1st, 2007
Scooby & Shaggy BD 1st, 2000
Edsel BD 10th
Rosie GD 13th, 2007
LC BD 14th, 1993
Oreo BD 15th, 1998
Max, The Psycho Kitty BD 20th
Hi TGH Members, please check the Birthday/Gotcha Day List! If your BD/GD is missing or incorrect, please leave it in the comment section and we will add it.
If you have a Tuxie post for today, please leave a link, so we can all come see. If you have any special news, contests or information you think would be pertinent to the group, please email us a tuxedogang (at) g mail (dot) com . Thanks!
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TO SAY HI!!!!!
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