Welcome to Thursday at the TGH
Thanks for stopping by!!
Tuxies making a difference and Helping Friends:Dragonheart's Mom is making super cool Digital Scrapbook pages

Don't forget to enter Kimo & Sabi's Jump and Shout Contest! Deadline is Saturday, May 31, 2008!
Meet Our Newest Tuxedo Gang Members:

Please let us know if you have requested to be a Tuxedo Gang Member and have not been added in the comment section below!
We will have The Seven Useful Things Meme that Bear & Shadow tagged the Tuxedo Gang for up on Friday!
If you are a Tuxedo Gang Member and don't have a badge for your blog, please go here.
Please click on these sites below to help the animals in need!

Get your Daily dose of MOWS Cat Comic HERE!!!
Okay kitties, that brings us to the next part of Samwise's thank you. We were wondering if any other NOMSS friends would like to join the Tuxedo Gang?! They have to be really special tuxies and like Samwise, we will put it to the vote of the entire Gang! Please leave a comment with your nominations and make sure to link to the NOMSS friend's blog or webpage or dogster, etc. THANKS!
(NOMSS means Not Of MY Species Special Friend)
Tuxie THURSDAY Posts: (reporter Bert)
Abby is blue!
Adan is pretending to be ugly!
Bert has more practical cats (and a surprise party)!
Brandi says hi!
Earl Grey is thinking!
Edsel is cheering!
Max has a little preview!
Millie's Mom has some news!
Miss Peach says goodbye to a friend.
Panda feels bad for Meerkat & Padre (and he has a cool comic)!
Sabi has some thoughts about the contest!
Gree shows her trip to the V-E-T!
Sophia has the final Movie Meme!
Veronica has some Frog Names!
Diamond has a cool song!
Take a look at Bootsie and Katie's whole gang!
Thursday Thirteen
May Tuxies Birthday/Gotcha Day
Rosie BD 5th, 2007
Tipper BD 6th, 2003
Max, The Crew BD 6th, 2004
Panda Bear, BD 16th
(NOMSS means Not Of MY Species Special Friend)
Tuxie THURSDAY Posts: (reporter Bert)
Abby is blue!
Adan is pretending to be ugly!
Bert has more practical cats (and a surprise party)!
Brandi says hi!
Earl Grey is thinking!
Edsel is cheering!
Max has a little preview!
Millie's Mom has some news!
Miss Peach says goodbye to a friend.
Panda feels bad for Meerkat & Padre (and he has a cool comic)!
Sabi has some thoughts about the contest!
Gree shows her trip to the V-E-T!
Sophia has the final Movie Meme!
Veronica has some Frog Names!
Diamond has a cool song!
Take a look at Bootsie and Katie's whole gang!
Thursday Thirteen
May Tuxies Birthday/Gotcha Day
Rosie BD 5th, 2007
Tipper BD 6th, 2003
Max, The Crew BD 6th, 2004
Panda Bear, BD 16th
Hi TGH Members, please check the Birthday/Gotcha Day List! If your BD/GD is missing or incorrect, please leave it in the comment section and we will add it.
If you have a Tuxie post for today, please leave a link, so we can all come see. If you have any special news, contests or information you think would be pertinent to the group, please email us a tuxedogang (at) g mail (dot) com . Thanks!
Hi ya evfuury ones... Dat's my favrite Ninja Cat Foto!! And Bootsie's furry furst foto, when she was abouts 3 muffins old.
You kin reads Bootsie's Gotcha Rescue Story frum a Salvage Yard at http://chutzpah33.blogspot.com/2008/03/ize-wittle-bitsy-bootsie.html
Tanks fur addin us to the Tuxedo Gang!!
Katie Kitty Too and
Bootsie Woo.
(ooo by da wayz... Ize just gots one "t" in Katie.... =^..^=
Oh my goodness... I forgots an apostrophe!!! Puzzles was Spunky Boo's kitty mommee, dat's why his name is Puzzles' Spunky Bear!!
Sorreee bout dats...
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