Are You Ready For The Weekend?
Thanks for stopping by!
Welcome to the Weekend TGH News. It will start on Friday and go through Sunday! If you have multiple posts please leave a link for each day on Mr. Linky at the bottom of the page. Our Reporters will check everyone on the Membership List through out the Weekend and add new posts for each Day! So lets get ready for the weekend!Thanks for stopping by!
Check out this Month's Header!!!
Make sure you check out Monty Q's Contest "Who Do You Love!"
Please enter by February 4th! Get 'er done!

And you can't miss Skeezix 2nd Annual Valentines Day Contest! You must have your entry in by Tuesday, Feb, 12!
Get yours ready and post it today!
Please click on these sites below to help the animals in need!

LAST DAY OF THE CONTEST: We will run this through the weekend if no one Guesses on Friday

Here is the rules! 1.One guess per cat, bunny, rat or their bean per day. 2. If you know the Member is yourself you cannot guess yourself or anyone else in your household. 3. If multiple cats in house, they get one guess, too. 4. Once you win, you cannot play again. 5. All the Tuxedo Gang Members can be found in the sidebar. 6. At the end of the contest, The TGH is donating $20.00 to the H.A.M. Project. 7. Contest will run Mon-Fri only. 7. We can change or add any rules as necessary.
Who is this Tuxedo Gang Member?
This cat is a she.
She lives where it is cold.
She like to crawl under the covers to stay warm.
She likes to sleep in boxes with her Gizzy Quilt.
If you are a Tuxedo Gang Member and need a Badge for your Blog, please go here.
Friday Tuxie Posts: (Reporter Bert)
Adan isn't cooperating with Michico!
Boo is going Red!
The Snow is falling at Bert's!
Bukowski has some dirty feet!
Captain Jack is on guard duty!
Friday Funnies are over at Chance's
Maggy & Zoey are gazing into their crystal ball!
Mom's off work at Millie's!
Get all the Valentine Updates at Samantha's!
Sophia naps while DKM goes to the market!
Memes, Awards and Updates (oh my!) at Wrigley & Cobalt's
It's a Froot Bat Friday at Baby Mao's, Earl Grey's and Dragonheart's!
Should we let NOMSS friends join TGH? (Reporter Captain Jack)
It has recently come to our attention that some NOMSS tuxies out there would like to join the Tuxedo Gang Hangout. In particular, my woofie brother Samwise wants to join and begged me all weekend to ask so I said I would. As you can see, he is a black and white tuxie (even though he is a dog) and as you can tell by the picture, he does exhibit cat like behavior (yes, this is him perched on the back of our couch looking out the window at the snow and the birdies). What do you kitties think? Should we let Samwise join TGH? Leave your vote in the comments!!

FEBRUARY BD/GD (If you have a BD/GD in January and it's not listed here, please leave a comment below with your information)
Sophia BD 14th
Lemieux GD 16th, 2005
Hi TGH Members, please check the Birthday/Gotcha Day List! If your BD/GD is missing or incorrect, please leave it in the comment section and we will add it. Thanks!
Don't Forget To Check out these Fun Places for cats to be this weekend........
Sophia BD 14th
Lemieux GD 16th, 2005
Hi TGH Members, please check the Birthday/Gotcha Day List! If your BD/GD is missing or incorrect, please leave it in the comment section and we will add it. Thanks!
Don't Forget To Check out these Fun Places for cats to be this weekend........
Board the Friday Ark at The Modulator (submit your post here)
Weekend Cat Blogging #139 FEB 2-3 Kate & Puddy at A Byootaful Life
(see the week’s host to enter your WCB post in the comments for the weekend roundup)
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is at Megan & Zed Monster at Bad Kitty Cat Festival Home• Optional Theme - Mardi Gras Theme (submit your post here)
The Carnival of the Cats #203 "Meowers of Death" at When Cats Attack (submit your post here)
If you have a post for today, please leave a link, so we can all come see. If you have any special news, contests or information you think would be pertinent to the group, please email us a tuxedogang (at) gmail dot (com) or leave a comment! Thanks!
Love the heartfelt banner!
Gung Hei Fat Choy to everyone at the New Tuxedo Gang Hideout. This new year is the Year of the Rat!
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