Welcome to Wednesday at the TGH!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Welcome to the newest members of the Tuxedo Gang! We all know them! We all love them!

Sol - Sol recently joined Missy and KC's family. You can click on his name to go see further pictures of him, and read all about his adventures. (if you look closely you can see white fur on his chest. He's a tux in training!)
Thanks for stopping by!!
Welcome to the newest members of the Tuxedo Gang! We all know them! We all love them!

Sol - Sol recently joined Missy and KC's family. You can click on his name to go see further pictures of him, and read all about his adventures. (if you look closely you can see white fur on his chest. He's a tux in training!)
Bond - Bond is Sol's brother and also recently joined Missy and KC. Doesn't his name fit his tuxie handsomeness!! You can also click on his name to see more pictures and read about his adventures!
It's time to VOTE at the "Who Do You Love" Contest! To vote send an email to Doing The Q @ gmail. com (squish it up)! Check the Contest site for Categories you can vote on! Today is the Last day to Vote!
Tuxie Members Entered
BeauTuxie Members Entered

Okay kitties, that brings us to the next part of Samwise's thank you. We were wondering if any other NOMSS friends would like to join the Tuxedo Gang?! They have to be really special tuxies and like Samwise, we will put it to the vote of the entire Gang! Please leave a comment with your nominations and make sure to link to the NOMSS friend's blog or webpage or dogster, etc. THANKS!
Bounce is sending out Valentine wishes!
The Thing is on Boy's bed!
Zoey is having a Wordy Wednesday!
Things are kind of loud at Panda's!
It's a big day at Sabi's!
Sadie & Speedy's Mom and Dad aren't helping with the Valentines!
Go vote for Samantha - she's in a contest (oh, and she's wordless too)!
There's a pretty pair of girls over at Trixie's!
Wordless Tuxie Posts:
Captain Jack
Mouse (or is it his new brofur Sox?!)
Hi TGH Members, please check the Birthday/Gotcha Day List! If your BD/GD is missing or incorrect, please leave it in the comment section and we will add it. Thanks!
If you have a post for today, please leave a link, so we can all come see. If you have any special news, contests or information you think would be pertinent to the group, please email us a tuxedogang (at) gmail dot (com) or leave a comment! Thanks!
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