It's Tuxie Tuesday at the TGH!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Thanks for stopping by!!
There are THREE different Tuxies that are doing special projects for Project H.A.M. - Dragonheart's Mom is making super cool Digital Scrapbook pages; Millie is going to raffle off a really big, really special Gizzy Quilt! Take a look! ; AND, Beau's mom made real pretty bracelets to auction off. (One is for Churchhill!)

Okay kitties, that brings us to the next part of Samwise's thank you. We were wondering if any other NOMSS friends would like to join the Tuxedo Gang?! They have to be really special tuxies and like Samwise, we will put it to the vote of the entire Gang! Please leave a comment with your nominations and make sure to link to the NOMSS friend's blog or webpage or dogster, etc. THANKS!
(NOMSS means Not Of MY Species Special Friend)
Tuesday Tuxie Posts: (Reporter Bert)
Abby is looking spectacular!
It's Toshi Tuesday at Adan's!
Bert has a "glowing paw of doom"!
Snack time over at Bounce's!
Boy is having technical difficulties!
A Tuxie Puppy Meme over at Samwise's (and Captain Jack's of course)!
Chance is helping his Mommy feel better!
There's a lot of sharing going on at Dragonheart's!
Earl Gray is showing off his stripes!
It's tattle tail Tuesday at Maggey & Zoey's!
Sabi is Da Man-Cat!
Look who's playing nice over at Samantha's!
Sanjee is doing th ehappy tuxie roll!
There's a Diva Kitty shaped lump in the bed!
Misty is getting the washing done!
It's Timmy's Grammie's Birthday!
(NOMSS means Not Of MY Species Special Friend)
Tuesday Tuxie Posts: (Reporter Bert)
Abby is looking spectacular!
It's Toshi Tuesday at Adan's!
Bert has a "glowing paw of doom"!
Snack time over at Bounce's!
Boy is having technical difficulties!
A Tuxie Puppy Meme over at Samwise's (and Captain Jack's of course)!
Chance is helping his Mommy feel better!
There's a lot of sharing going on at Dragonheart's!
Earl Gray is showing off his stripes!
It's tattle tail Tuesday at Maggey & Zoey's!
Sabi is Da Man-Cat!
Look who's playing nice over at Samantha's!
Sanjee is doing th ehappy tuxie roll!
There's a Diva Kitty shaped lump in the bed!
Misty is getting the washing done!
It's Timmy's Grammie's Birthday!
FEBRUARY BD/GD (If you have a BD/GD in February and it's not listed here, please leave a comment below with your information)
Sophia BD 14th
Lemieux GD 16th, 2005
Bert BD 22nd, 2006
Sophia BD 14th
Lemieux GD 16th, 2005
Bert BD 22nd, 2006
Hi TGH Members, please check the Birthday/Gotcha Day List! If your BD/GD is missing or incorrect, please leave it in the comment section and we will add it. Thanks!
If you have a post for today, please leave a link, so we can all come see. If you have any special news, contests or information you think would be pertinent to the group, please email us a tuxedogang (at) gmail dot (com) or leave a comment! Thanks!
1 comment:
Oh my jeepers, thank you so much for putting Caesar on the MancatMonday.
That makes me so happy.
He is my tuxie brother and I love him and will try to share MancatMonday as long as I can.
Thank you for being my friends
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