Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday *NEW* Tuxedo Gang Hideout News

It's Tuxie Tuesday at the TGH!
Thanks for stopping by!

Guess The TGH Member Contest: Starting Thursday we are going to pick out one Tuxedo Gang Member and give hints on who it is. The first one to guess each day will receive a 2008 Cat Calender. Contest will end when we give away all the calenders and it is open to all cats, bunnies, rats, and their beans. (PS: It won't be hard.)

Here is the rules! 1.One guess per cat, bunny, rat or their bean per day. 2. If you know the Member is yourself you cannot guess yourself or anyone else in your household. 3. If multiple cats in house, they get one guess, too. 4. Once you win, you cannot play again. 5. All the Tuxedo Gang Members can be found in the sidebar. 6. At the end of the contest, The TGH is donating $20.00 to the H.A.M. Project. 7. Contest will run Mon-Fri only. 7. We can change or add any rules as necessary.

Who is this TGH Member?
This Cat lives with animals of another species.
Her nickname describes her.
A picture of her may end up on a calender.
She loves to sleep in a basket.
We have a winner! LC guessed that it was Sophia the Diva Kitty!

Tuesday Tuxie Posts:
Taps BD 1st, 1991
Bebe GD 3rd , 1997
Trixie GD 4th, 2004

Hi TGH Members, please check the
Birthday/Gotcha Day List! If your BD/GD is missing or incorrect, please leave it in the comment section and we will add it. Thanks!

For the latest Links, Updates, Purrthday/Gotcha Day and More TGH information. please go HERE!

If you have a post for today, please leave a link, so we can all come see. If you have any special news, contests or information you think would be pertinent to the group, please email us a tuxedogang (at) gmail dot (com) or leave a comment!