Monday News At the TGH!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Please check out Weekend Cat Blogging #138, hosted by the TGH, we added 10+ Members during the Weekend! So stop by and Welcome them. We will be introducing them during the week!
Make sure you check out Monty Q's Contest "Who Do You Love!"
Please enter by February 4th! Get 'er done!

And you can't miss Skeezix 2nd Annual Valentines Day Contest! You must have your entry in by Tuesday, Feb, 12!
Get yours ready and post it today!
Buncha neat things ta guess at.... An treats fer the winners! Please go by and leave a guess at LC's Blog!
Please click on these sites below to help the animals in need!

Wednesday January 30 will be the last Day of the Guess the TGH Member!

Here is the rules! 1.One guess per cat, bunny, rat or their bean per day. 2. If you know the Member is yourself you cannot guess yourself or anyone else in your household. 3. If multiple cats in house, they get one guess, too. 4. Once you win, you cannot play again. 5. All the Tuxedo Gang Members can be found in the sidebar. 6. At the end of the contest, The TGH is donating $20.00 to the H.A.M. Project. 7. Contest will run Mon-Fri only. 7. We can change or add any rules as necessary.
Who is this Tuxedo Gang Member? No one guessed Tuesday's Member so we'll add another hint! Okay one last hint!
This Cat likes to play in bathtubs!
He has a brother and a sister.
He is older than he looks.
He loves to play on plastic!
His Gotcha day is in an Orange month.
He was in one of Tuesday's posts at the TGH!
This cat's name matches his size!
He has a brother name Monte and a sister named Missy!
We have a winner Wrigley & Cobalt correctly guessed Munchkin!
Monday Tuxie Posts: (Reporter Captain Jack)
A Very Special Mancat Monday from Caesar!
It's Mancat Monday at Adan's!
It's Mancat Monday at Beau's!
Bert and family have memes!
It's Mancat Monday at Captain Jack's!
It's Mini-mancat Monday at Chance's!
It's Mancat and Meezer Movie Monday at Dragonheart's!
It's Mancat Monday at Earl Grey's!
LC is getting to know her new little sister better!
Maggy & Zoey are hanging out after dark!
It's Musical Monday at Millie's!
I wonder if someone who knows Munchkin would like a new calendar?!?!?! (look above kitties!)
Trixie has some lovely artwork!
If you are a Tuxedo Gang Member and need a Badge for your Blog, please go here.
Should we let NOMSS friends join TGH? (Reporter Captain Jack)
It has recently come to our attention that some NOMSS tuxies out there would like to join the Tuxedo Gang Hangout. In particular, my woofie brother Samwise wants to join and begged me all weekend to ask so I said I would. As you can see, he is a black and white tuxie (even though he is a dog) and as you can tell by the picture, he does exhibit cat like behavior (yes, this is him perched on the back of our couch looking out the window at the snow and the birdies). What do you kitties think? Should we let Samwise join TGH? Leave your vote in the comments!!

Taps BD 1st, 1991
Bebe GD 3rd , 1997
Trixie GD 4th, 2004
Hi TGH Members, please check the Birthday/Gotcha Day List! If your BD/GD is missing or incorrect, please leave it in the comment section and we will add it. Thanks!
Bebe GD 3rd , 1997
Trixie GD 4th, 2004
Hi TGH Members, please check the Birthday/Gotcha Day List! If your BD/GD is missing or incorrect, please leave it in the comment section and we will add it. Thanks!
If you have a post for today, please leave a link, so we can all come see. If you have any special news, contests or information you think would be pertinent to the group, please email us a tuxedogang (at) gmail dot (com) or leave a comment! Thanks!
1 comment:
We think da kitty is Munchkin. we hope we iz right. :-)
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