Welcome Weekend Cat Bloggers to the #124 Edition of WCB
here at the Tuxedo Gang Hideout! I am Samantha, your hostess.
Please leave your links in the comment section at the end of this post for this weeks WCB:
here at the Tuxedo Gang Hideout! I am Samantha, your hostess.

Come on in! Have a drink, a bite of food and listen to
a little music as we get WCB started!
a little music as we get WCB started!

Mr. Kellie and The Good Cats welcome all the WCB visitors!

Trim-Jeans Theater Presents Mycah a Rubenesque beauty from TacJammer.
Meet Miss Marilyn as she travels on Leslie's Omnibus to the northerly parts of Whiskerconsin!

Farm Boss Patchy Cat has joined J2 in the Cat Cabin at Farmgirl Fare in remote Missouri.

Mouse kissing a mouse? Check out Amber, Kosmo, and Indigo, too, at This, That & The Other Thing.

Who is that holding Sergei at Music & Cats?
Could it be his favorite person?

Sweet little Rosie was involved in a Territorial fight? With who and over what? Find out at My cats & funny stories by Gattina.

Puddy from Byootaful Life flips and flops for us and when Katie asked her to pose ......Oh my!!!
Parker says there is nothing like Family togetherness
and it's a pretty sunny day in Oh HI O, to be doing it.
Check out Perfectly Parker's Guard Dog, too!

We have a pair of Lions at knit-witch! Sebastian is not to sure about the floof at the end of his tail and Tsuki is tired from the BATH and haircut!

Zed Monster over at Bad Kitty Cats is mad at Mom because she won't let him go out and play during Thunderstorms! Well duh!! Braum Kitty won't let any other cat near Mom when he is in the house and Geico Lizards are living in someone's bed! We want to know if he tried to sell you car insurance??

Bustopher likes to go outside even if it's raining and cold! His paws get wet and his tummy, too. But he likes to be dried by Mom with a warm towel.

Check out the cute kittens at masak-masak! Orange and black, just in time for the holidays!

Look more kittens!! Meet Waldemar, William, Walter, Widar and Wilbur from the World According to Pia!
Aren't they so sweet!!!
Resistance is futile!! Chey wants everyone to know that she is Borg free! !! It was just a camera snafu and as you'll see HERE, she is still our Chey who is running for President!

Luna from Catsynth keeps looking and waiting and looking!! Amar is on tour and she is waiting to catch a glimpse of him when he comes home!

Here is a mother and daughter, Ywette & Glinda, enjoying a grooming session. Basking in the sun at Anne's Food blog, all the way from Stockholm Sweden!
Willow spent the weekend snoopervising a new sink being put in her house and when she was thirsty she found a practical way to get a drink!! We cats are so smart!

Fridolin is being a fussy & snotty kitty over at Rosa's Yummy Yums. Today he likes his food, tomorrow he doesn't and Rosa says aaaaarrrggggghhhhh. Sounds perfectly normal to me!
Izzy is going outside and not inside, so everyone is happy at the Mind of Mog!
Blogger won't let me add any more pictures, so I'm going to finish up and come back tomorrow and add them. I must have reached my picture limit. Oh well........
Mini over at the House of the Mostly Black Cats thinks there is weirdness going on at her house. She found a picture on her Mom's computer that makes her think, she might be going to Detective school!! The Detective who teaches there is pretty weird!! And wonders if they'll get fed!
Moving is no problem for Mr. 'ssouri Bowtie-face over at Kitchen Mage. All he needs is a blanket and a heater vent and his new home is perfect!
Fearless hunters, Meowza & Izzy have cornered a green snake. Please be careful that it doesn't spit in your faces. Having conquered that they went lizard hunting.
Tina over at Foray Into Food was resting while practicing her balcony walk act and showing off her soft belly at the same time!! She's a very talented cat!
Maya & Mr. Oliver of Cuisine Guylaine spend a lot of time sleeping. Their blog is written in French, and if you hit the English translation link you can read all about them.
Dragonheart is all warm and cozy sleeping in his fleece blanket. They got there first snow in Germany and he is snuggled on Mom's lap!!
Kamikaze & Jelly from I Got Two Shoes cozy up in their new blanket on a cold night in Korea. See if you can find Kamikaze's paw!
Stasia over at zazamataz is in catnip heaven and doing a full monty as well! The life of a cat is wonderful.
Ah, Sophia of Diva Kitties and the Fluffies says there is nothing better than an Easy Sunday Morning cleaning and sleeping on my Gizzy quilt!!
All of us here at Tuxedo Gang Hideout would like to thank everyone who participated in this weeks Weekend Cat Blogging #124. Have a wonderful week.
Mycah gets almost svelte...
It's Traditional Friday Cat Blogging with yours truly, Mr. Kelly Cat:
The Divine Miss Marilyn has hit the road here:
Hello! How perfect that we're (finally!) back to WCB this week. Farm Boss Patchy Cat at Farmgirl Fare isn't a tuxedo, but he is black and white!
Here's our link:
Thanks for hosting weekend cat blogging! : )
Come see our speshul pitchers!
Special Pictures of the Gang
I stopped in to meet you. Your blog has many interesting things happening. I am so new at blogging, I have many questions. Do you have to be a black & white cat to join?
This week, our tuxedo cat Sergei shares one of his Favorites.
Thanks, Samantha, for hostessing this week.
My Friday turned to Saturday and I forgot to put a link here. My little Rosie becomes adult and there are some territorial fights now !
Puddy's showing me her flopping skills and then does a pose that is rather not lady-like! Here's our linkie:
Thanks for hosting this weekend and we're looking forward to the round-up.
Katie and Puddy
We all love a good family gathering!
Hi Samantha, We are looking forward to the WCB and are so happy to be back to somewhat normal :) We have missed everyone.
Loves and Purrs
Sebastian & Tsuki have grown into lions!
Thanks for hosting! :)
Come on over and check out my Tuxedo guy and his mischievous damp adventures.
I think one of my new litter of kittens is a tuxedo cat. Sorry bit hard to show his white tux though.
Here's our kittens and their story:
Welcome to your new hideout and thanks for hosting!
Here's my entry for this weekend -
Here's mine:
I want everyone to know that I am borg free!
Hi there. Thanks for hosting this weekend.
Here is our link:
Here's our entry! Thank you for hosting!
Willow was snoopervising when we were installing a new sink:
Very cute!
Thanks for hosting WCB!
If you want to know what kind of snotty cat Fridolin is, then here's my link:
Here's mine http://mindofmog.net/archives/2007/10/19/izzy-is-out/
*sigh* Boni posted ours earlier but SOMEbody forgot to stay long enough to tell you about it. Moms. *sigh* Anyways, ours is up at
Fanks Sam!
my orca kitty is cozying up to his new digs too...
Izzy and Meowza have entries too http://imeowza.com/2007/10/20/fearless-hunters/
and http://iinfidel.com/2007/10/20/caturday/
Tina has been hanging out way too high up this week
Bonjour, Je t'envoie ma participation, voici le lien :
Merci à toi d'héberger nos chats, bises !
Here's my post for WCB:
Easy Like Sunday Morning
Thanks for hosting! Here's my link - http://igot2shoes.blogspot.com/2007/10/wcb-124-blankets.html
Those are excellent photos ... Love the lion-cut an' the "cheesecake" kitty, too!
Stasia enjoys her catnip this week.
Sophia is chillin' on her Gizzy Tuxie style.
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عليكم الشهر مبار
قوانين الحياة
قوانين اول
مخترعون أول من اخترع ؟
اول من اخترع
من قرأ سورة
الكهف في يوم الجمعة أضاء له النور ما بين الجمعتين
صورة الكهف ، الجمعة
هواتف مشايخ
ويمكن الاتصال بهم مباشره ونسال الله التوفيق لنا ولكم
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من تختار ليمسح
لك دموعك لك ، دموعك ماهي
فاكهة المنتديات خوخ ماهي
ـآجمل فلفسفة
!!!! ( بين ذكر وـآنثى )
اجمل فلسفة
تفضلو في هذا
الموضوع 5 دقايق بس
إبحث عن المصدر
دائماً ولا تتعجل
تلاوة القرآن
الكريم …بظغطه واحده
~~: اعتذارات
للحيـــــــاة :~~
اعتذارات ا░
قلمـ رصــاص░ أو ░ قلمـ حبــــــر ░ قلم
رصاص ، قلم حبر !!
الرَحَيلْْْ بلآ صّوت!!
الرحيل بلا صوت مبدع
وموهوب دقايق قل
لماضيك وداعا اصوره
محيره .:
..:; { الـ ق ـلم رجل والـورقة انـ ث ـى } ;:.. :.
القلم رجل الورقة انثى
((( فكر .. قبل
أن تكتب .. !! ))) فكر قبل ان مبدع
وموهوب تكتب اخليط
الحبر بصراحة
… بكل ثقة بصراحة الصراحة
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القران الكريم شفاء
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صبغات الشعر
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خواتم فخمة
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فساتين زفاف للمحجبات
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فساتين للمحجبات
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صور نظارات روعه
استايلات روعة
استايلات روعة
روائح المطبخ الكريهة
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نصائح -
السمك المشوي
السمك المشوي
حلقان حلوه
حلقان حلوه ستايلات
ورق ورق
السمك سمك
شاعر المليون
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خواطر رومانسية
خواطر رومانسية
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خواطر حب
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خواطر جميلة
قصص قصائد قصص روايات ادبيه طويله
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قصص واقعية
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قصص رومانسيه
روايات رومنسيه
روايات رومنسيه
قصة واقعيه
قصة و روايات حب
روايات حب
قصة خيال
قصة خيال
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حب حب
قصة البروفيسور
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قصة تشبة الخيال
قصه قصه
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قصة سوف تنقلب عليك
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أستاذ ذكي
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فتاة تخدع شاب على الماسنجر
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رامز بصمجي
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تسريحات راقيه
تسريحات راقية تسريحات راقيه
موسوعة كاملة فى
اكسسوارات - ساعات - نظارات - شنط -
موسوعه موسوعة اكسسوارات
نظارات جميله
نظارات ازياء
و اطقم للجميلات
نظارات جميلة ازياء
كؤوس روعة
للعرسان كؤوس روعة للعرسان
اطقم اكسسوارات رائع
اطقم اكسسوارات رائع جميلات
اجمل الصنادل 2008
صنادل 2008
أزياء روعه
للبنات ازياء روعة
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مكيـاج لبناني
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صنادل روعة
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صنادل أزياء روعه
للبنات ازياء للبنات -
ازياء الزفاف
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مكيـاج لبناني
مكياج -
صنادل روعة
روعة فساتين سهرة
بالتفاصيل فساتين سهرة
مكياج لأجمل عيون
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فساتين جديدة
تحفة موت فساتين جديدة تحفة
فساتين للمحجبات
تحفه جدا ورقيقة
فساتين للمحجبات
فساتين للمحجبات
فساتين للمحجبات
صور للأزياء
صور للازياء
ازياء هنديه
ازياء هندية أزياء هندية
صور ازياء هنديه
صور ازياء هندية أزياء
أزياء ازياء
كبسة كبسه مواقع
للطبخ والحلويات
مواقع للطبخ والحلويات
حلى التويكس
حلى التويكس
شامبانيا سعودي
شمبانيا سعودي
خلطة كنتاكى
السرية خلطة كنتاكي
حلى الخرفان
حلى الخرفان حلى خرفان
الــبطاطس فطاير
وصفه الملوخيه
وصفه الملوخية وصفة الملوخية الملوخيه
الملوخية الملوخيه
كوكتيل برتقال مع
منتديات خوخ
برتقال البرتقال
كرات الشوكلاته
بالبندق كرات الشوكلاته
كرات الشوكلاته
كرات الشوكلاته اسكالوب بالصلصة
وتكساس فراي
اسكالوب الصلصة
المطبخ الخليجي
المطبخ الخليجي المطبخ
حشوة سندويشات
حشوة سندويشات
سندويشات سندويشات السندويشات
محشى البصل
محشي البصل
موسوعة الأطباق -
موسوعة الأطباق الإيطاليه
الاطباق الايطالية
الإيطاليه الاطباق
الايطالية رمضان
وصفات رمضان
وصفات رمضان
سفرة رمضان
سفرة رمضان
الشيف رمزي
الشيف رمزي المصري
المطبخ اللبناني
المبطخ اللبناني
حلويات حلويات
اكلات سهلة الصنع
اكلات سهلة سهله
تخسيس برامج التخسيس
hgl'foمكياج روعة الطبخ
الطبخ الشرقي
الطبخ الشرقي
المطبخ الشرقي
المطبخ الشرقي
صور ملابس العيد
صور ملابس العيد صور ملابس
مكياج روعه بأنامل خبيرة التجميل
السعودية زكية أحمد
خبيرة التجميل
زكية احمد
زكية احمد أحمد
مكياج بااربي من Max -
لعشاق اللون الاسود
لعشاق اللون الاسود مكياج باربي
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