Monday, March 26, 2007

Voting to begin soon.....

Ok effurrycat, here am a cuple of options for our gang logo. If you has an ideer for anoffur one please let us no! You can use the email us link in the sidebar (to yore rite). We am werkin on pra-sessing ap-lick-ca-shuns now. Please bear wiff us, it takes a while to straighten it all out. :)


Mr. Hendrix said...

That's a tough one. They are both neat. If you don't mind a Panther kitty voting, I like the one on the bottom. It looks like it's just chillin out, but ready to pounce on a fev-ver butt mousie at any moment!

Katnippia said...

I likes the one on the bottom. It looks like that kitty is just chilling.

The M's said...

I like the bottom one, because it looks like me....munchkin.

Boy said...

Wow! Haha...I wike both!
But if I had to choose...uhm...
I choose the top one..