Welcome to The BKCFOC #34
Presented by Samantha, Mom andAll the Cats of The Tuxedo Gang Hideout
Our Optional Theme this week is Favorite Games!

It has been so busy the last week or so, that we figured two heads were better than one!
Our Optional Theme this week is Favorite Games!
Tigger & my favorite game is...

But we think her feather dance puts that rumor to rest!

Rahel at Elms in The Yard!

Now what could this cute kitten have done to warrent that! Srsly!
They have a surprise announcement they want to tell you!
and fell asleep much to the relief of Kate!
Looks like Boni from House of the Mostly Black Cats favorite game
is playing hide and seek with her squillion!
Hummmm! It looks like Mouse, Cubby, Sox, Kosmo and Amber over at This, That and The Other Thing's
Favorite Game is Which Hand Does Daddy have the Treat In!!
Looks like a cool game to play!! Can we join?
Check out MORE of their favorite Games!!
Luna at CatSynth is enjoying looking out the window of her New Studio!
Wonder what her Favorite game could be?
We think Izzy from Mind of Mog's Favorite Game is Doesn't My Tummy Look Inviting To Rub?
Then grab the hand and give it a Bitey!!
Just a nip, not to hard! Cute belly Izzy!
SonnyBob from Pet's Garden Blog is very photogenic and it looks like his Favorite Game is playing Peek-A-Boo with the sunshine!!
Ah, there is nothing like the warm sun on your furs!
Don't forget your LOL Cat Bible: Lectionary Readings for the Fourth Sunday in Lent!
So Kitteh Can Has Reelijin!
We are checking to see if more submissions came in!
If you don't see your, please leave a comment and we'll add you!
Thanks EVERYONE for participating in this Weeks BKCFOC#34!
Samantha, Chandra and The Cats of the Tuxedo Gang Hideout

is playing hide and seek with her squillion!
Favorite Game is Which Hand Does Daddy have the Treat In!!
Looks like a cool game to play!! Can we join?
Check out MORE of their favorite Games!!

Wonder what her Favorite game could be?
Then grab the hand and give it a Bitey!!
Just a nip, not to hard! Cute belly Izzy!

Ah, there is nothing like the warm sun on your furs!

So Kitteh Can Has Reelijin!
We are checking to see if more submissions came in!
If you don't see your, please leave a comment and we'll add you!
Thanks EVERYONE for participating in this Weeks BKCFOC#34!
Samantha, Chandra and The Cats of the Tuxedo Gang Hideout
We sitting on the sofa Sunday and Bean say "Hey want to play Dress up?" and she grab me and put this outfit on me and fell off the couch -- boom -- and hit the floor on my side and then backed into a corner and cried until she take it off. Needless to say, dress up is NOT my favorite game.
What a wonderful round up of Kitty Cats. Awesome.... thank you Samantha and Mama for hosting this weekend~ we love you all.
Sorry we are not around much but we will try and get an update to the madness around here later.
Purrs and Loves and Kisses
ZM and BKC
Grate job Samantha! Love the way yoo do it!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini and Gree
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