Welcome to TGH WCB # 134-New Years Edition!
Please leave a comment below with your link!
2008 Will Be Great!

Willow wants everyone to know that these antlers are not real! She went for a visit to see her cat furiends Alice and Kara who actually let her Mom put the Elf and Santa cat costumes on them! Which was fine as long as she didn't have to wear them.

Willow wants everyone to know that these antlers are not real! She went for a visit to see her cat furiends Alice and Kara who actually let her Mom put the Elf and Santa cat costumes on them! Which was fine as long as she didn't have to wear them.

Kamikaze over at I Got Two Shoes dun bitted off Jelly's finger! I wonder how she will blog with a digit missing! Those are some mean looking teeth.

Dragonheart is grooming his new brother, Merlin on this fine Sunday Morning! That is just the cutest picture!

Victor lost his sister Bonnie! He thinks she's in the boy's messy room sleeping! Should we tell him she is?

Gree from the "Hotties" aka House of the Mostly Black Cats got a pretty cool present for Christmas! To find out what it is go by and check it out!

Arthur and the Cats at My Cats & Funny Stories had to spend Christmas alone! Go check out their slide show and say hello!

Mr. Hendrix what are you staring at so intently? Could it be something every kitty might want? Check it out!

Upsie at What Did You Eat shares Christmas with us and checkout the yummy looking food!

Luna at CatSynth weaves old pictures from the past into a beginning for the new!

Stasia at zazamataz has a little problem! Can you guess what it is?

Fridolin and Maruschka were so sad at Christmas, go by Rosa's Yummy Yums and find out why!
Next weeks Weekend Cat Blogging #135 will be at Katie and Puddy's place a Byootaful Life!
Fanks LOTS for doin this at such short notiss! We was hopin Kashim n Othello could get on tha net by now, but nope. Silly ISP! We knows yall will do a grate job tho -- yoo always do! Fanks again!
Oh, a'fore we furgets, here's our entry! Gree got somefin speshul for Chrissymouse.
the Hotties (heeeeeeeehehehe)
Happy to see that you "jumped in" I was already a little lost, lol ! My entry is at http://gattinamycats.blogspot.com/2007/12/after-christmas.html
Thanks for hosting this week. I'm so glad you did because I am showing off the greatest gift any kitty could ever receive.
Stop by my bloggy to check it out and then make your beans get you one!!! Hendrix the Kitty.
I don't have my post up yet but wanted to say how nice the header looks!!!!!
Thanks for saving the day! Hope you have a great New Year's Eve celebration. Here's our link:
Thanks for hosting, and Happy New Year!
We're working on a year-end WCB post, you see what we have so far:
Thanks for hosting this last WCB before year 2008!
If you want to know why Fridolin & Maruschka were sad on Christmas day, then here's my link:
Cheers and Happy New Year!
Stasia takes time out of complaining to visit you here! Thanks for hosting!
Hey, wow, the Hangout looks grate! An all ready to fill in for WCB, too!
Here's our linky:
Thanks for hosting Weekend Cat Blogging! :)
Here's our entry:
Easy Like Sunday Morning
it was a great night before a meezer christmas!
Wow, grate Sam n Tigger. Now we hafta go visiting! hehehe
Here's finger-eating Kamikaze. http://igot2shoes.blogspot.com/2007/12/wcb-134-bye-finger.html
Happy New Year and thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting this weekend! I visited my daughter and dressed up her cats Alice and Kara. Here's the link:
Dear Samantha and Tigger,
Thank you for graciously hosting WCB. Happy New Year to you.
I have a short video of Midday the "Praying Cat" at our SPCA cat shelter. This was taken by one of our outstanding volunteers. This is the link http://weblog.xanga.com/purrin_at_pantops/629209129/midday-the-praying-cat.html
Once again, Thank you for your last-minute thoughtfulness this busy weekend.
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