Welcome to Friday at TGH!
This week’s Carnival of the Cats, is being held at the Cat Blogosphere! So please, submit post for this special edition! Click here to submit your posts.
FOOD DRIVE STILL GOING ON: -Buy some pet food, doesn't matter whether it's wet/dry, or species, and take it to your local animal shelter. And wish them Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, or whatever. That's all...and if you let us know how much you took we can keep a running total of it and announce the total after Christmas. We will do this from now until Christmas so that everyone has a chance to participate.
Tuxie Friday Posts:LC shares her Chrissy Mouse Carol with us! Part 1 and Part 2

Here is another cool site, that we saw at Speedy's and Crews Views Blogs! It's called Pikipimp and it's free and you can do some cool stuff to photos with it. See the mistletoe over my head? I added that.
Wanted two or three Tuxedo Gang Hideout Reporters! Please leave a comment below if you are interested!
December BD/GD
Frodo GD 16th, 2001
Boy GD 31st, 1993
For the latest Links, Updates, Purrthday/Gotcha Day and More TGH information. please go HERE!If you have a post for today, please leave a link, so we can all come see. If you have any special news, contests or information you think would be pertinent to the group, please email us a tuxedogang (at) gmail dot (com) or leave a comment.
LC says: She (an Skeeter) have started 3 part 'Kittie Chrissy Mouse Carol' Story at [http://skeeterandlc.blogspot.com/]
We hope efrykitty likes it. An I say I wrote it mostly myself.
The final part of the Chrissy Mouse Carol is now finished an posted... ;)
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